Discussion: Create a video of yourself discussing a state, national or global organizations mission, values, structure, and the policies they develop using the four elements listed below.
Unit 5 Discussion Directions:
- Create a video of yourself discussing a state, national or global organization’s mission, values, structure, and the policies they develop using the four elements listed below. Cite six scholarly sources at the end of the discussion to show how you have developed and supported ideas and opinions. The Video should be no longer than five minutes.
- Analysis of how the organization and an administrative role has an impact on the healthcare environment for policy development.
- Evaluate leadership models or frameworks that support change or healthcare policy implementation.
- Assess how this organization and an administrative role can influence care at the state, national and global level.
- Remember, your response must analyze each situation from your perspective and contain supporting rationales for your ideas.
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- To prepare for the assignment, identify a role in an organization that has impact on regulation of nursing practice and the delivery of health care services at the state or national and global levels. For example, you might select an administrator at the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Nurses Association (ANA) or from your state board of nursing. Imagine what you want to understand about the role and impact by examining these questions:
- How does the organization influence the regulation of nursing practice and the delivery of health care services? Unit 5 Discussion
- What is nursing’s role in developing policies that regulate nursing practice in the organization?
- How is the organization influenced by the regulation of nursing practice and the delivery of health care services?
- How does the organization support policy development?
- What is an important policy the organization has developed?
- What leadership characteristics are essential to advance the work of policy development in the organization?
Unit 5 Discussion Sample
Different state, national, and global organizations play a crucial role in the healthcare environment and healthcare policy development, changes, and implementation. In addition, administrative roles in these organizations also hold a major stake in influencing the healthcare environment and policy development. These leaders also use various leadership models and frameworks to support healthcare change (Robbins & Davidhizar, 2020). This paper analyzes how the World Health Organization (WHO) and the WHO regional administrative role have an impact on the healthcare environment for policy development, evaluates leadership models that support change or healthcare policy implementation, and assesses how the WHO and the regional administrative role can influence care at the state, national and global levels. Unit 5 Discussion
The WHO is among the global organizations regulating healthcare policy and recommending healthcare practice guidelines. In addition, WHO produces reports on various global health concerns and provides directions for addressing them (WHO, 2021). One of the major administrative roles in WHO is the regional director role. Regional directors mainly oversee the implementation of WHO policies and programs in their region. Kaufman et al. (2020) note that regional directors are responsible for ensuring global policies are tailored to fit their regions’ specific health needs and priorities. Unit 5 Discussion
According to Barr and Dowding (2022), leadership models provide an understanding of how individual leaders influence a group. Among the leadership models that support healthcare policy change and implementation are situational and transformational models. Situational leadership entails a change in the leadership style depending on the current situation, while transformational leadership entails empowering the group being led to achieve the vision. Nicola et al. (2020) note that transformational leadership in healthcare policy helps leaders drive policy change by aligning stakeholders around shared policy change and development goals. WHO regional directors can, therefore, use situational and transformational leadership models to impact healthcare policy. Unit 5 Discussion
The WHO’s administrative role can influence state, national, and global care. At the state level, the WHO administrator can collaborate with local health authorities to strengthen healthcare systems. Regional administrators improve disease surveillance and enhance public programs in relation to health concerns in states in their region (Capano et al., 2020). At the national level, the administrator coordinates regional activities and monitors program progress to improve healthcare in the area. In addition, the administrator represents the region and advocates for policy changes at the global level. Unit 5 Discussion
Healthcare organizations like the WHO play a vital role in the healthcare environment, influencing implementation and policy changes. As an administrator in the region, the WHO regional director influences healthcare at the state, national, and global levels. Leadership models assist the leaders in influencing change in healthcare policy and environment.
Unit 5 Discussion References
Barr, J., & Dowding, L. (2022). Leadership in health care, (5th Ed.). Sage.
Capano, G., Howlett, M., Jarvis, D. S. L., Ramesh, M., & Goyal, N. (2020). Mobilizing Policy (In)Capacity to Fight COVID-19: Understanding Variations in State Responses. Policy & Society, 39(3), 285–308. https://doi.org/10.1080/14494035.2020.1787628
Kaufman, K. R., Petkova, E., Bhui, K. S., & Schulze, T. G. (2020). A global needs assessment in a global crisis: world psychiatry response to the COVID-19 pandemic. BJPsych Open, 6(3), e48. https://doi.org/10.1192/bjo.2020.25
Robbins, B., & Davidhizar, R. (2020). Transformational Leadership in Health Care Today. The Health Care Manager, 39(3), 117–121. https://doi.org/10.1097/HCM.0000000000000296
Nicola, M., Sohrabi, C., Mathew, G., Kerwan, A., Al-Jabir, A., Griffin, M., Agha, M., & Agha, R. (2020). Health policy and leadership models during the COVID-19 pandemic: A review. International Journal of Surgery (London, England), 81, 122–129. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.07.026
World Health Organization. (2021). Building health systems resilience for universal health coverage and health security during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A brief on the WHO position (No. WHO/UHL/PHC-SP/2021.02). World Health Organization. Accessed 14th February 2024 from https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/346517/WHO-UHL-PHC-SP-2021.02-eng.pdf Unit 5 Discussion