Video Narrative on Tobacco Cessation Essay

Video Narrative on Tobacco Cessation Essay

Hello, I am … . and in this presentation, I will discuss tobacco smoking cessation. Tobacco smoking is addictive and health hazardous at the same time. Quitting smoking is not an easy journey but an achievable one. Achieving smoking can be ensured through various methods. Quitting smoking is not easy and may require more than one attempt. Failed previous attempts do not mean that future endeavors will be unsuccessful. On the positive side, there have been successful methods of quitting smoking that has been documented, tried, and tested. The use of medications and application of therapy, including counseling techniques, have yielded positive results in the journey of quitting smoking. Addiction to tobacco smoking is associated with financial implications at the personal and population level. Your daily expenditures in tobacco cumulatively cost a substantial amount of cash. In this session, I want to guide you through a plan for successfully quitting smoking.

Planning to quit smoking is a change process that involves both physical and psychological preparations and actions. Planning to stop smoking requires that you prepare yourself and make yourself ready to stop smoking. Getting ready to stop can include various activities in which you self-assess and evaluate how you will execute your options. In making yourself ready, you may want to set a date most convenient for your such that on that day, you will not use any tobacco or tobacco-containing products. Scientific evidence says that there are no safe levels of tobacco use. Therefore, quitting means not using any tobacco at all. Before reaching your set date, you can start reducing the amount of tobacco you use per day. A recent study on Asians in Singapore who smoked tobacco found that most smokers want to quit smoking due to health reasons and health outcomes of smoking. To assess your readiness, you should list your reasons for quitting smoking. These can be benefits in the short term, near future, or long-term or lifetime benefits. These can become your goals for quitting. In this evaluation of readiness, you should also identify the time or periods of the day when you are most likely to smoke. Most often, these are during stressful times or leisure times. The presence of other smokers should also be noted as a common trigger for smoking. Identification of these times is essential because you’ll be able to stop by avoiding triggers or using interventions to prevent the urge to smoke. When you successfully identify these times, you are more likely to anticipate and counter your triggers of the urge to smoke. Therefore, this is an essential part of planning to stop quitting. Quitting smoking can be a long journey that may require social support. Consequently, you need to identify your friends, coworkers, and, most importantly, family members that can be supportive in achieving your goals. This identification alone is not enough during this preparatory stage. Therefore, you need to notify these people and let them know that you’ll be going through a change process; thus, their support would be deeply appreciated. Also, during this planning time, you should plan substitutive activities that do not trigger cravings to smoke.

As mentioned earlier, quitting smoking is not one of the easiest change processes in one’s lifestyle. You can expect various challenges during or after this change process. These challenges do not occur to everyone, but most of the time, most people who quit smoking face them. Some of the most common challenges are related to the symptoms that you’ll experience when you quit smoking. Most people report restlessness, anxiety, tension, and irritability during this period. This is associated with intense cravings to smoke again. Therefore, some people can be tempted to slip and go back to smoking. Others report trouble sleeping that, in worst cases, can be associated with nightmares and other dreams. These are part of the withdrawal effects of smoking that can occur in quitters. Some people also report boredom and stress as outcomes of quitting smoking. According to the centers for disease control and prevention, also referred to as the CDC, smokers have to overcome certain barriers to stop smoking successfully. Adapting to a new life without smoking is a challenge for some people. Most smokers have developed routines that they have connected to smoking, and this change process can be challenging for them.

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Despite the challenges that I mentioned before, quitting smoking is still a goal that is achievable for all smokers. Past failed attempts at quitting smoking should be seen as motivation for success in future attempts and learning points instead of viewing them as setbacks. There are strategies and methods that your clinician can use to help you achieve the cessation of smoking. According to CDC, millions of people who have attempted to quit smoking have succeeded for good. Dealing with the routine of daily activities without smoking and the effects of withdrawal from


Tobacco use is the key goal that the process of quitting smoking aims at achieving. Medications and counseling therapies are the main methods used by current health practices to assist smokers to quit smoking. There is a range of nicotine replacement products or NRPs, used to gradually enhance ceasing tobacco use with minimal side effects. Most of these products are available over the counter; therefore, you won’t need to see a doctor for prescriptions. NRPs are available as nicotine gums, patches, lozenges, sprays, inhalers, and vaporizers, also called E-cigarettes or Electronic cigarettes. This means that NRP contains nicotine which is the addictive substance in tobacco. Some patients prefer nicotine lozenges because they can self-control the doses of nicotine. A recent research review study in a dental school at a university in Australia found that most of the NRPs are associated with poor dental health and should be used cautiously (Manakil et al., 2020). Therefore, you should always see your dentist when you use some of these NRPs to quit smoking. Usually, nicotine replacement methods are the first to be used in the process of treating nicotine addiction. Your doctor can prescribe some medications for cessation of smoking. These medications are commonly referred to as quitting smoking medication. They include but are not limited to varenicline and bupropion. CDC reported in 2021 that these medications are safer than the nicotine replacement products mentioned earlier. There have been claims that these medications are associated with cancers of the lung, but recent evidence shows that this is untrue. Your prescribing clinician determines the duration of use of these medications and dose. For example, varenicline can be used for durations between 6 months. The quit-smoking pills work by reducing the uncomfortable outcomes of stopping tobacco use. These medications also ensure that your brain gradually receives small doses of nicotine, making it get used to minimal or no nicotine. With time, your body fails to develop the withdrawal effects of nicotine, and you will not develop side effects. Bupropion, also called Wellbutrin, does not contain nicotine and has been used to enhance smoking cessation similarly.

Therapy has been used to promote smoking cessation. A type of psychotherapy called cognitive variola therapy has been used to reframe the negative thoughts associated with withdrawal and enhance coping with the side effects of stopping smoking. This reduces the chances of reverting to smoking after starting the cessation process. Telephone smoking cessation support, motivational interviewing, and counseling are other psychotherapy methods that can be used in supporting smoking cessation. A recent study done in 2020 among adults wishing to quit tobacco smoking showed that combining the use of medication and psychotherapy has more than a 50% chance of successful smoking cessation than other groups that only used counseling strategies (Lightfoot et al., 2020). Evidence has also shown that physical therapy has a role to play in the success of quitting smoking. Physical exercises and yoga have been suggested to promote smoking cessation by limiting the side effects of withdrawal through improvement in mood and reducing cravings. Therefore, cessation of tobacco smoking is possible. The initiative to stop smoking should best be started by you. With planning and collaboration with family and your dicot, you can stop smoking and minimize the health risks associated with tobacco smoke. In this session, we have learned about the planning steps and available methods to use to stop tobacco addiction. I hope that you will find this information useful and take the initiative to stop smoking and preserve your health. Thank you



CDC. (2022a, January 11). Quit smoking medicines are much safer than smoking.

CDC. (2022b, January 11). Why Quitting Smoking Is Hard.

Lightfoot, K., Panagiotaki, G., & Nobes, G. (2020). Effectiveness of psychological interventions for smoking cessation in adults with mental health problems: A systematic review. British Journal of Health Psychology25(3), 615–638.

Manakil, J., Miliankos, A., Gray, M., Itthagarun, A., & George, R. (2020). Oral health and nicotine replacement therapy product. European Journal of General Dentistry9(01), 1–6.

Sagayadevan, V., Abdin, E., Shahwan, S., Satghare, P., Devi, F., Cetty, L., Sendren, J. R., Verma, S. K., Chong, S. A., & Subramaniam, M. (2019). Motivations to quit smoking and challenges faced during cessation among individuals with first-episode psychosis in Singapore. Early Intervention in Psychiatry13(6), 1488–1494.

Estimated time: 20 minutes to prepare and record the 3-minute video. Using Studio within Canvas.
After reviewing the assigned materials (readings and lectures), develop your plan for a 3-minute video that will reflect your understanding of this important topic. Provide key information to your pt about why important to stop smoking and options available to him–assume he is interested in stopping.
– assume you are talking to a pt who says he needs help to stop smoking and needs to better understand his options and resources.
– content should include brief information about plans to stop, challenges to expect, NRPs, & prescription drugs, counseling and anything else you wish to include–see rubric. Assume he can make some good decisions based on what you tell him.

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Video Narrative on Tobacco Cessation Essay

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