Week 2 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

Week 2 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

Week 2 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

P u r p o s e

The purpose of the assignment is to identify behaviors and interactions that commonly occur during the health history interview of a well-child exam and develop strategies to improve anticipatory guidance and health education by using effective, non-biased, and nonjudgmental communication.

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C o u r s e O u t c o m e s

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Integrate current evidence based clinical practice guidelines in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. (PO 1)

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CO 2: Appropriately apply anticipatory guidance and health promotion in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. (PO 1)

CO 3: Assess growth and developmental milestones in the care of childbearing and childrearing families. (PO 5)

The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment:

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points

possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

To t a l P o i n t s P o s s i b l e

This assignment is worth a total of 120 points.

P r e p a r i n g t h e A s s i g n m e n t

Follow these guidelines when completing each component of the assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

A.  General Instructions

Watch the video below. Observe the parent-child and parent-provider interactions. Note appropriate and inappropriate responses by the parent.


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[NOISE] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Well, Hello, good morning to you. My name is Jim. >> All right. >> And I’m your nurse for today. Stacy will be your nurse practitioner, but she just wants me to go over some simple things, just to ask you all about your son. Is that okay? >> Uh-huh. >> All right, well, let’s get started. Since your last visit, has there been any major illnesses, hospitalizations, changes, or stresses for your family or child? >> I was in a car accident a couple of months ago, and the pain is really bad, so I haven’t been to work for a couple of months, yeah. That’s about it. >> Okay, is your

child taking a vitamin supplement? >> No. >> Has your child ever had a reaction to a vaccine? >>

No but he has all his shots, they’re all up to date. I make sure I keep track of that. >> Is your child

still on a bottle? >> Umm, yeah, I mean he has… you know, like the bottle he came home with at the hospital. He has the same one, so I just give him this. And then this kind of keeps him occupied because it has some kind of like, Mountain Dew, orange soda type thing. I give that to him all day,

B.  Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):

  1. Select five topics from the following categories to address:
  2. Cognitive developmental milestones
  3. Physical developmental milestones
  4. Social-emotional developmental milestones
  5. Safety
  6. Environmental health risks
  7. Temper tantrums and discipline
  8. Sleep routines
  9. Car seat safety
  10. Healthy teeth
  11. Use the Clinical Pearl Worksheet (https://cdn.brandfolder.io/74235FBJ/at/9hqtk7cvc3tgvjfxh2qnv86/NR602_W2_ClinicalPearlWorksh and complete the table for each one of the five selected topics. For each selected topic, complete the following sections on the table:
  12. Topic name
  13. Negative interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was inappropriate?
  14. Positive interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was appropriate?
  15. Guidelines and recommendations: What anticipatory guidance would you provide? Support your guidance with clinical practice guidelines or peer-reviewed, scholarly sources appropriate for providers that are no more than 5 years old.
  16. Professional/ethical communication: How will you provide non-judgmental, unbiased education regarding the identified issue? Use the following steps to guide your response
    1. acknowledge how the parent feels
    2. state the facts
  • provide education or re-frame the approach
  1. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly

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Criteria Ratings Pts
Selected Topic 1

6 Required Criteria


22 pts Excellent


requirements met.











































20 pts Very Good 18 pts Satisfactory 11 pts Needs 0 pts Unsatisfactory 22 pts

Answer all









questions/criteria with explanations and detail: met. met. requirements met. met.  
1. Topic name          
2. Negative


What did you see or hear that was


3. Positive          
interaction/behavior: What did you see or

hear that was

4. Guidelines and recommendations: What anticipatory          
guidance would you

provide? Support

your guidance with clinical practice

guidelines or peer-

reviewed, scholarly

sources appropriate

for providers that are no more than 5 years old.          


communication: How

will you provide non-

judgmental, unbiased education regarding

the identified issue?

Use the steps below to guide your          


Criteria Ratings Pts

a.  Acknowledge how the parent feels.

b.  State the facts.

c.  Provide education or re-frame the approach.


6. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly resource.

Selected Topic 2

6 Required Criteria


22 pts Excellent


requirements met.




























20 pts Very Good



18 pts Satisfactory



11 pts Needs



0 pts Unsatisfactory


22 pts
Answer all


requirements met. requirements met. 1-2


requirements met.  
with explanations and detail:     met.    
1. Topic name          
2. Negative          

What did you see or

hear that was inappropriate?          
3. Positive


What did you see or hear that was appropriate?          
4. Guidelines and          
recommendations: What anticipatory

guidance would you

provide? Support

your guidance with

clinical practice guidelines or peer-

reviewed, scholarly

sources appropriate          


Criteria Ratings Pts
for providers that are no more than 5 years old.



Professional/ethical communication: How will you provide non- judgmental, unbiased education regarding the identified issue? Use the steps below to guide your response:

a.  Acknowledge how

the parent feels.

b.  State the facts.

c.  Provide education or re-frame the approach.


6. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly resource.

Selected Topic 3

6 Required Criteria


22 pts Excellent


requirements met.












20 pts Very Good



18 pts Satisfactory



11 pts Needs



0 pts Unsatisfactory


22 pts
Answer all


requirements met. requirements met. 1-2


requirements met.  
with explanations and detail:     met.    
1. Topic name          
2. Negative

interaction/behavior: What did you see or

hear that was inappropriate?          
3. Positive


What did you see or          


Criteria Ratings Pts
hear that was appropriate?


4.  Guidelines and recommendations: What anticipatory guidance would you provide? Support your guidance with clinical practice

guidelines or peer- reviewed, scholarly sources appropriate for providers that are no more than 5 years old.



Professional/ethical communication: How will you provide non- judgmental, unbiased education regarding the identified issue? Use the steps below to guide your response:

a.  Acknowledge how the parent feels.

b.  State the facts.

c.  Provide education or re-frame the approach.


6. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly resource.

Selected Topic 4

6 Required Criteria

22 pts      T op Excellent 20 pts Very Good 18 pts Satisfactory 11 pts Needs 0 pts Unsatisfactory 22 pts
  All 5 3-4 Improvement No  
Answer all requirements requirements requirements 1-2 requirements  
questions/criteria met. met. met. requirements met.  
with explanations            


Criteria Ratings Pts
and detail:


1.  Topic name


2.  Negative

interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was



3.  Positive

interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was appropriate?


4.  Guidelines and recommendations: What anticipatory guidance would you provide? Support your guidance with clinical practice

guidelines or peer- reviewed, scholarly sources appropriate for providers that are no more than 5 years old.



Professional/ethical communication: How will you provide non- judgmental, unbiased education regarding the identified issue? Use the steps below to guide your response:

a.  Acknowledge how the parent feels.

b.  State the facts.

c.  Provide education or re-frame the approach.













































Criteria Ratings Pts

6. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly resource.

Selected Topic 5

6 Required Criteria


Answer all

questions/criteria with explanations and detail:


1.  Topic name


2.  Negative

interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was



3.  Positive

interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was appropriate?


4.  Guidelines and recommendations: What anticipatory guidance would you provide? Support your guidance with clinical practice

guidelines or peer- reviewed, scholarly sources appropriate for providers that are no more than 5 years old.



Professional/ethical communication: How


22 pts Excellent


requirements met.




































20 pts Very Good


requirements met.


18 pts Satisfactory


requirements met.


11 pts Needs



requirements met.


0 pts Unsatisfactory


requirements met.

22 pts


Criteria Ratings Pts
will you provide non- judgmental, unbiased education regarding the identified issue? Use the steps below to guide your response:

a.  Acknowledge how the parent feels.

b.  State the facts.

c.  Provide education or re-frame the approach.


6. Provide a complete APA reference for the chosen scholarly resource.

Reference Citation Uses current APA 10 pts Excellent 9 pts Very 8 pts Satisfactory 5 pts Needs 0 pts Unsatisfactory  
format to format citations and

references and is

0-1 errors Good

2 errors

3-4 errors Improvement

5-6 errors

More than 6 errors 10 pts
free of errors.            
Late penalty  

0 pts

No Points Deducted

Assignment submitted on time. No points will be deducted.












0 pts

0 pts
deductions Points Deducted  
Students are

expected to submit

A 10% penalty per day (up to three days) will be applied. If submitted more than three days late, the  
assignments by the

time they are due.

student will receive a zero for the whole assignment.  
Assignments submitted after the

due date and time

will receive a

deduction of 10% of

the total points possible for that

assignment for each

day the assignment

is late. Assignments

will be accepted, with penalty as described,    


Criteria Ratings Pts
up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

Quizzes and

discussions are not considered

assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

Total Points: 120


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