Week 4 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

Week 4 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

Week 4 Assignment: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

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Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study

Clinical Pearl Issue #1

Category Environmental Health Risk
Pertinent Negative with educational opportunity The child is exposed to constant tobacco smoke as the mother smokes in the house everywhere except in his room. But the hazard is even worse. He at least once took a cigarette butt from the floor and chewed and swallowed it. This child needs to be protected from the cigarette smoke by having the mother smoke outside on the porch.
Pertinent Positive The mother has in her phone the contacts for those concerned with poison control. This child is also unable to reach stored medicines because they are kept out of his reach all the time.
Guidelines or Recommendations Because this child is exposed to cigarette smoke all the time, he is predisposed to future development of health problems. These include respiratory irritation and inflammation, upper respiratory tract infections, and even cancer (Hammer & McPhee, 2018). His mother requires health education to avoid exposing him to tobacco smoke and probably causing him health concerns.
Reference Hammer, D.G., & McPhee, S.J. (Eds). (2018). Pathophysiology of disease: An introduction to clinical medicine, 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Education.
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent “I appreciate the honest sharing of information about the child. Smoking anywhere in the house is not advisable even if it is not done in the child’s own room. Cigarette smoke diffuses in the air and will engulf even his room even if someone is smoking in another room. The secondary smoke exposes the child to numerous serious health issues that turn out to be costly financially and emotionally. The mother can be helped to cease the habit of smoking in case she is willing to do so.”

Clinical Pearl Issue #2

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Category Alcohol/ Substance Abuse
Pertinent Negative with educational opportunity The fact that the mother asks the interviewer to prescribe for her the tranquilizer alprazolam (Xanax) to help with sleep (Rosenthal & Burchum, 2018) gives away the fact that this child is at risk of developing substance use. As a matter of fact, towards the end of the interview the mother gets out some pills she says are her anxiety pills. The child takes them and throws them around. This is proof that this child may be having access to these medications even at home due to carelessness of the mother. If the child can take them without the mother knowing, they may get overdosed or develop addiction to medications.
Pertinent Positive


At home medications are placed out of reach of this child according to his mother.
Guidelines or Recommendations The child should not be allowed to gain access to medications at all costs. They should also not be given any sleeping pills such as tranquilizers as these will make him habituated to them with disastrous consequences.
Reference Rosenthal, L.D., & Burchum, J.R. (2018). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice providers. Elsevier.
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent “It is regrettable that you suffered an accident and now depend on medications for anxiety and pain relief. However, this child may be having access to these medications and even consuming them without your knowledge. This is very dangerous. All medications should be kept well away from the child while at home.”


Clinical Pearl Issue #3

Category Sleep Routines
Pertinent negative with educational opportunity This baby sleeps for 10 hours on some days. On others, he has a problem with sleep such that the mother even thinks of asking for medications to help him sleep. According to the American Association of Family Physicians (AAFP), sudden infant death syndrome or SIDS can occur during sleep if a baby is exposed to cigarette smoke amongst other causes (Turner, 2018). The child should be made to lay on their back as they sleep to help avoid this.
Pertinent Positive


The child sleeps for more than 10 hours on occasions and this is good.
Guidelines or Recommendations There needs to be functioning smoke detectors in the child’s room to protect against smoke-induced SIDS. The detectors also will help protect the child against fires. The child’s sleeping position should be supine without any clothing around that they may pull and suffocate with (Turner, 2018).
Reference Turner, K. (2018). Well-child visits for infants and young children. American Family Physician, 98(6), 347-353. https://www.aafp.org/afp/2018/0915/p347.html
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent “Thank you for sharing your experience and the struggles you are having with the child’s sleep patterns. What I would advise you against is that you should try as much as possible to avoid using medications to help the child sleep. Just feed him well and make sure he is comfortable.”


Clinical Pearl Issue #4

Category Car Seat Safety
Pertinent negative with educational opportunity The child is placed in a child car seat but instead of facing backwards they are placed facing forwards. This way the child is prone to suffering accidents while driving with the mother. Placing the child facing backwards would be a better and recommended option.
Pertinent Positive



The child rides on the seat at the back. This probably has the effect of reducing his likelihood of suffering an injury if a head-on collision were to happen.
Guidelines or Recommendations In his car seat, the child needs to be in a backwards facing position. This would be good for the mother too as she might face prosecution for child neglect (Mata et al., 2017).
Reference Mata, N.T., da Silveira, L.M.B., & Deslandes, S.F. (2017). Family and neglect: An analysis of the concept of child negligence. Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 22(9), 2881–2888. https://doi.org/10.1590/1413-81232017229.13032017 
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent


“That the child is driven around in a child car seat is commendable. However, the seat should be secured and made to face backwards.”


Clinical Pearl Issue #5

Category Healthy Teeth
Pertinent negative with educational opportunity The baby is 15 months old and still on a bottle. He also takes a variety of drinks that may not necessarily be very good for his milk teeth. These include sugary sweetened beverages that are also known to lead to later overweight and obesity.
Pertinent Positive


Milk is good for the teeth and giving him the same with a bottle is good for the baby.
Guidelines or Recommendations At the age of 15 months, this child should be eating numerous types of solid foods. It is these that will strengthen his teeth. Foods such as green vegetables, kale, and spinach also contain calcium that is good for the strength of enamel in teeth (Linas et al., 2019).
Reference Linas, N., Peyron, M.-A., Hennequin, M., Eschevins, C., Nicolas, E., Delfosse, C., & Collado, V. (2019). Masticatory behavior for different solid foods in preschool children according to their oral state. Journal of Texture Studies, 50(3), 224-236. https://doi.org/10.1111/jtxs.12387
Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent



“The child’s teeth are still growing but these are milk teeth that will be shed. However, he still needs strong and healthy teeth that can chew well. Instead of giving him a lot of bottle drinks, it would be helpful if he was made to get used to solid foods.”

Week 4: Pediatric Clinical Pearl Case Study Assignment


The purpose of the assignment is to guide students in identifying behaviors and interactions that commonly occur during the health history portion of a well-child exam. In doing so, students can develop strategies to improve anticipatory guidance and health education by using effective, non-biased and nonjudgmental communication.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

Synthesize information in which addresses child health promotion, developmental surveillance, observation of parent-child interaction, anticipatory guidance, social determinants of health and/or cultural competence.

This assignment will follow the late assignment policy specified in the course syllabus.

Late penalty deductions

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.

In the event of a situation that prevents timely submission of an assignment, students may petition their instructor for a waiver of the late submission grade reduction. The instructor will review the student’s rationale for the request and make a determination based on the merits of the student’s appeal.

Consideration of the student’s total co Tuorpse performance to date will be a contributing factor in the determination. Students should continue to attend class, actively participate, and complete other assignments while the appeal is pending.

Total Points Possible: 100


This assignment is submitted through Turn It In (TII).* Students are allowed two opportunities to submit. The first Turn It In submission allows the student to view the Turn It In Score and edit the assignment if necessary. The second submission is considered the final submission and will be graded. Any further Turn IT In submissions will not be considered for grading.



  1. Start by watching the following video:

[NOISE] [INAUDIBLE] Well, Hello,

good morning to you. My name is Jim. All right. And I’m your nurse for

        today. Stacy will be your nurse practitioner, but she just wants me to

go over some simple things, just to ask you allSaebaorucht your son. Is that okay? Uh-huh. All right, well, let’s g

Hide transcript

s[tNarOteIdS. E] >> [INAUDIBLE] >> Well, H o, good morning to you. My name is Jim. >> All right. >> And I’m your nurse or today. Stacy will be your nurse Spinraccetiytioounrelar,sbt uvtissith, ehajusstthweraentbsemene to go o er some simple things, just to ask you

aanlyl ambaojuotr yillonuersssoesn,. hIsosthpaittaolizkaatyio?n>s,> Uh-       h. >> All right, well, let’s get started.

Since your last visit, has there been any m jor illnesses, hospitalizations, cchhaannggeess,,oorrsstrtreesssseess ffoorryyoouurrfafammilyily or c     d? >> I was in a car accident a couple oorfcmhilodn?thI swaagsoi,naandcatrhaecpcaidinenist areally bad, o I haven’t been to work for a couple coofumpleonotfhms,oynethash.aTghoa, ta’sndabthoeutpiat.in>> Okay is your child taking a vitamin

issurepapllleymbaendt,?so>>I hNaov.en>’>t bHeaesn ytoour child e       r had a reaction to a vaccine? >> No

wbourtkhfoerhaascoaullphleisosfhmootsn,tthhse, yy’ereaha.ll up to d e. I make sure I keep track of that. >>

TIhsayt’osuarbcohuitldit.still on a bottle? >> Umm, y ah, I mean he has… you know, like the

As you view the video, observe t Thoepparent-child and the parent-provider interactions. Pay particular attention to the parent’s responses to the provider’s questions making note of inappropriate and appropriate responses.

  1. Choose five (5) topics from the following categories to complete the assignment:

Cognitive Developmental Milestones  Physical Developmental Milestones

Social-Emotional Developmental Milestones  Safety

Alcohol/Substance Use

Environmental Health Risks

Temper Tantrums and Discipline  Sleep Routines

Car Seat Safety  Healthy Teeth

  1. You will develop and complete a table for each one of the five (5) categories using the example below as a guide. (Note: There are at least 10 categories addressed in the video, you must choose five (5) and create a separate table for each one).
  2. For each of the tables, complete each section:
    1. Issue: Category name
    2. Negative interaction/behavior: What did you see or hear that was inappropriate?
    3. Positive interaction/behavior: What did you see that was appropriate?
    4. Guidelines/recommendation: What does the research recommend?
    5. Scholarly reference: Must be in APA format within the
    6. Professional/Ethical Communication: How will provide non-judgmental and non-bias education regarding issue identified? Needs to be at least 3 sentences. Helpful Hints: Acknowledge how they feel, state the facts and provide education or re-frame the
  3. Scholarly references should be peer-reviewed, preferably a Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG), intended for providers (MDs, NPs) and no more than 5 years old (unless it is a clinical practice guideline’s most recent update).

Preparing the Paper

  1. The table provided below is an example It cannot be used to satisfy the requirements for any part of the assignment.
  2. You may format your tables according to your preference, but APA format is required for the reference column.
  3. Submit your paper to the assignment page by Sunday at 11:59pm

TopYou must               tables for 5 categories/issues

EXAMPLE: Clinical Pearl Issue # 1

Category                         NUTRITION


Issue – Pertinent Negative


Mom stated she feeds her son a McDonald’s happy meal every night for dinner makes sure he gets fruit punch soda, so that he can have his fruit for the day.

What did you see that was inappropriate?

Pertinent Positive

What did you see that was appropriate?


Mom’s awareness of the importance of fruit in her child’s diet.


Guidelines or Recommendations


Offer variety of healthy foods such as whole-grain breads, cheese, yogurt, cook meat, poultry, fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Give 2 cups (16 oz.) of milk per whole milk to help with growth and development.




Hagan, Jr, J.F., Shaw, J.S., & Duncan, P.M. (2017). Bright futures: Guidelines fo supervision of infants, children, and adolescents. (4th ed.). https://brightfutures.aap.org/Bright%20Futures%20Documents/BF4_POCKETG


Professional/Ethical Communication by Nurse Practitioner to Parent


“I see that you are trying to give your son fruit within his diet. For his age, fruit is important for his growth and development. McDonald’s has the option to substit French-fries for apple slices or you can provide your son with milk instead of fru or soda. Those are a few ways that you can help to introduce fruit and limit sod

How will you provide non- judgmental and non-bias education regarding issue

identified? Needs to be at least 3 sentences. Helpful Hints:










Acknowledge how they feel.



Criteria Ratings Pts
Table #1 20 pts 19 pts 18 pts 10 pts 0 pts
The student includes all of Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory
the required elements: All 6 Good 4 elements Improvement 0-1 elements
1. A single issue or topic is elements 5 are present. 3-4 elements are present.
chosen and identified by the category name.

2. The student notes one

are present. elements are present. are present.
negative interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was
3. The student notes one
positive interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was appropriate).
4. The student provides the

current recommendation for

20 pts
the identified issue.
5. Reference is listed in APA
format and is a scholarly
source (peer reviewed,
intended for providers and
within the last 5 years
unless it is the latest edition
of a CPG).
6. Professional/Ethical
Communication: The
student demonstrates how
to provide non-judgmental
and non-bias education
regarding the issue
identified (which is at least 3
(6 required elements)



Criteria Ratings Pts
Table #2 20 pts 19 pts 18 pts 10 pts 0 pts
The student includes all of Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory
the required elements: All 6 Good 4 elements Improvement 0-1 elements
1. A single issue or topic is elements 5 are present. 3-4 elements are present.
chosen and identified by the category name.

2. The student notes one

are present. elements are present. are present.
negative interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was
3. The student notes one
positive interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was appropriate).
4. The student provides the

current recommendation for

20 pts
the identified issue.
5. Reference is listed in APA
format and is a scholarly
source (peer reviewed,
intended for providers and
within the last 5 years
unless it is the latest edition
of a CPG).
6. Professional/Ethical
Communication: The
student demonstrates how
to provide non-judgmental
and non-bias education
regarding the issue
identified (which is at least 3
(6 required elements)



Criteria Ratings Pts
Table #3 20 pts 19 pts 18 pts 10 pts 0 pts
The student includes all of Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory
the required elements: All 6 Good 4 elements Improvement 0-1 elements
1. A single issue or topic is elements 5 are present. 3-4 elements are present.
chosen and identified by the category name.

2. The student notes one

are present. elements are present. are present.
negative interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was
3. The student notes one
positive interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was appropriate).
4. The student provides the

current recommendation for

20 pts
the identified issue.
5. Reference is listed in APA
format and is a scholarly
source (peer reviewed,
intended for providers and
within the last 5 years
unless it is the latest edition
of a CPG).
6. Professional/Ethical
Communication: The
student demonstrates how
to provide non-judgmental
and non-bias education
regarding the issue
identified (which is at least 3
(6 required elements)


Criteria Ratings Pts
Table #4 20 pts 19 pts 18 pts 10 pts 0 pts
The student includes all of Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory
the required elements: All 6 Good 4 elements Improvement 0-1 elements
1. A single issue or topic is elements 5 are present. 3-4 elements are present.
chosen and identified by the category name.

2. The student notes one

are present. elements are present. are present.
negative interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was
3. The student notes one
positive interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was appropriate).
4. The student provides the

current recommendation for

20 pts
the identified issue.
5. Reference is listed in APA
format and is a scholarly
source (peer reviewed,
intended for providers and
within the last 5 years
unless it is the latest edition
of a CPG).
6. Professional/Ethical
Communication: The
student demonstrates how
to provide non-judgmental
and non-bias education
regarding the issue
identified (which is at least 3
(6 required elements)


Criteria Ratings Pts
Table #5 20 pts 19 pts 18 pts 10 pts 0 pts
The student includes all of Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs Unsatisfactory
the required elements: All 6 Good 4 elements Improvement 0-1 elements
1. A single issue or topic is elements 5 are present. 3-4 elements are present.
chosen and identified by the category name.

2. The student notes one

are present. elements are present. are present.
negative interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was
3. The student notes one
positive interaction or
behavior for the chosen
issue (i.e., what was seen or
heard that was appropriate).
4. The student provides the

current recommendation for

20 pts
the identified issue.
5. Reference is listed in APA
format and is a scholarly
source (peer reviewed,
intended for providers and
within the last 5 years
unless it is the latest edition
of a CPG).
6. Professional/Ethical
Communication: The
student demonstrates how
to provide non-judgmental
and non-bias education
regarding the issue
identified (which is at least 3
(6 required elements)


Criteria Ratings Pts
Late penalty deductions Students are expected to submit assignments by the

time they are due.

Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.

0 pts

Manual deduction

0 pts

Manual deduction












0 pts

Total Points: 100


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