Week 5 Assignment: Neurologic Disorder

Week 5 Assignment: Neurologic Disorder

Week 5 Assignment: Neurologic Disorder

The student will demonstrate understanding of the chosen neurologic disease/disorder topic (signed-up) through a critique of a YouTube video. This is individual work. The student will view the designated video provided and complete a critique of the video. Explain how well the information was provided and accurate, also, identify information that should be added for a more complete information source. Respond to the items below. Strive for clear, and concise explanations covering all aspects of physiology and pathophysiology at the cellular, tissue, and organ level where appropriate. Each item should have a response that is approximately 100-200 words (ideal size paragraph is 100-200 words) and word count does not include citations. Each paragraph formulated should have a minimum of 1-2 citations. For this assignment, use resources provided (textbook, BB articles, videos, and other peer reviewed resources) to help formulate your responses. If you summarize or paraphrase content, cite the source. Direct quotes from the textbook or other sources are not allowed. Items with direct quotes or copied will not receive credit. Submit a reference of your textbook, assigned video, and any sources used at the end of the activity. Use this document as a template to submit your responses. Place the response under the respective item. Review the Rubric for grading.

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* Report your neuro topic (signed-up for).

* Did the video have information about causes or risk factors for the development of the disease/disorder?
If so, what causes or factors were reported? Choose one cause or factor and explain its role in the pathogenesis of the disease/disorder.
If not, provide a few causes and/or factors. Choose one cause or factor and explain its role in the pathogenesis of the disease/disorder.

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* Did the video have an explanation regarding the pathogenesis of disease (how it develops)?
If so, explain the biological/physiological process.
If not, explain the biological process.

* Did the video explain why certain diagnostics are used to aid in the identification of the disease/disorder?
If so, what was it? Explain how it is consistent with the current guidelines.
If not, Explain the current guidelines in diagnosing the disease/disorder.

* Did the video have information about commonly reported manifestations associated with the disease/disorder?
If so, what were the reported manifestations? Choose one and using pathophysiology, explain how it manifests.
If not, what are some common manifestations? Choose one and using pathophysiology, explain how it manifests.

* Did the video report the prognosis of the individuals?
If so, what was reported? What does current literature report and were there differences.
If not, what is the current prognosis?

* Reflect on items 2-6. Summarize the video’s strengths and weaknesses. Share what you think of the video.



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