Week 5 Discussion Leading Through Innovation NR703

Week 5 Discussion Leading Through Innovation NR703

Week 5 Discussion Leading Through Innovation NR703


The purpose of this discussion is to explore leading through innovation, creating new opportunities, and leveraging the creativity of others.


For this discussion, review the Week 5 lesson and construct and explain a strategy for one (1) of the following:

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Week 5 Discussion Leading Through Innovation NR703

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  1. Create an environment that fosters innovation and creativity.
  2. Propose how the use of adaptive leadership will affect your leadership identity.
  3. Identify how you could improve your leadership communication across interprofessional teams.

Construct your responses using the CARE Plan method.

Please click on the following link to review the DNP Discussion Guidelines on the Student Resource Center program page:

  • Link (webpage): DNP Discussion Guidelines

Also Read:

NR703 Week 5 Leading Practice Change Projects Assignment

Program Competencies

This discussion enables the student to meet the following program competences:

  1. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
  2. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)
  3. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)
Course Outcomes

This discussion enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

  1. Differentiate attributes of effective leaders and followers in influencing healthcare. (PCs 2, 4; PO 6)
  2. Formulate selected strategies for leadership and influence across healthcare systems. (PC 6; PO 8)

Due Dates

  • Initial Post: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Wednesday
  • Follow-Up Posts: By 11:59 p.m. MT on Sunday

NR703 Week 5: Leading Innovation with Creative Solutions Student Lesson Plan


  • Program Competencies
  • Course Outcomes
  • Weekly Objectives
  • Main Concepts
  1. Applies organizational and system leadership skills to affect systemic changes in corporate culture and to promote continuous improvement in clinical outcomes. (PO 6)
  2. Appraises current information systems and technologies to improve health care. (POs 6, 7)
  3. Creates a supportive organizational culture for flourishing collaborative teams to facilitate clinical disease prevention and promote population health at all system levels. (PO 8)


Section Read/Review/Complete Course Outcomes Due
Prepare Assigned Readings COs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Wednesday
Explore Lesson COs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Wednesday
Translate to Practice Discussion: Initial Post COs 3, 5 Wednesday
Translate to Practice Discussion: Follow-Up Posts COs 3, 5 Sunday
Translate to Practice Assignment COs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Sunday
Reflect Reflection COs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 No submission

Foundations for Learning

Start your learning this week by reviewing the following:

The Medical Futurist. (2018, June 27). 8 digital health technologies transforming the future of nursesLinks to an external site. https://medicalfuturist.com/the-future-of-nurses-superheros-aided-by-technology/

Student Learning Resources

Click on the following tabs to view the resources for this week.

  • Required Textbooks
  • Required Articles
  • Additional Resources

Broome, M. E., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). Springer Publishing Company.

  • Read Chapter 5
    • Section: Communication
    • Section: Meeting Management: Communicating to Get the Work Done
    • Section: Sharing the News: Your Story and the Organization
    • Section: Decision-Making: The Art and Science of Organizational Leadership
  • Read Chapter 9
    • Section: Nurses as Innovators to Increase Access and Decrease Costs

Learning Success Strategies

  • As you read the Week 5 lesson, consider how each topic can be transferred into your current practice and leadership style.
  • The discussion topics in Week 5 focus on leading through innovation, creating new opportunities, and leveraging others’ creativity as a leader in healthcare. Reflect on each of these in the lesson to better prepare your thoughts for discussion.
  • You have access to a variety of resources to support your success. Click on the DNP Resources tab on the home page to access program and project resources.
  • Your course faculty is here to support your learning journey. Reach out for guidance with study strategies, time management, and course-related questions.

Interacting with Feedback

Each week your course faculty will provide feedback in the rubric and on any assignment you have submitted. Take a moment to review the following video on how to view rubric feedback in Canvas:

  • Link (video): Looking at FeedbackLinks to an external site.(2:26)

Review the following video on how to accept/reject track changes when viewing course faculty feedback on your assignment:

  • Link (video): Word: Track Changes and Comments(4:19)

NR703 Week 5 Lesson Leading Innovation with Creative Solutions

Addressing Healthcare’s Innovation Challenge

Innovation for translation science is the new knowledge or new evidence that is applied to a problem or situation. The knowledge or evidence itself may not be new, but it is new to the nursing situation or practice problem to which it is being applied. Sometimes these creative solutions are actually new applications for existing challenges. Nurses, in fact, are often compared to MacGyver, the fictional television secret agent who could solve problems with any common tool nearby, like his Swiss Army Knife, a rubber band, or a paperclip. Nursing leaders do likewise, but with an arsenal of creative leadership tools.

In 2020, the Novel 2019 Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic created an unanticipated healthcare environment for innovation. One example was chronicled by Castro (2020), who described the spacesuit-looking noninvasive COVID-19 ventilation helmet device, which prevented many COVID-19 patients from having to be placed on a ventilator. Not only did this device become lifesaving in U.S. hospitals but also in Italy where it was used on a much larger scale.

Watch the following video to learn more about the helmets:

  • Link (video): North Texas Company Offering Ventilator AlternativesLinks to an external site.(1:42)

A local healthcare crisis in Las Vegas also spurred an innovation that was later rediscovered during the 2020 pandemic. After the October 2017 Las Vegas music festival shooting, a critical care physician, who ran out of ventilators for the victims, resurrected a hypothetical idea from his residency experience: adapting one ventilator to use with two patients. It worked!

This same innovation was applied in the critical care settings in New York during the early days of the 2020 pandemic (Gabrielson & Edwards, 2020). By rerouting the ventilator breathing circuits in parallel to a mechanical ventilator with a T-tube connector and one-way valves, two patients could be ventilated simultaneously (Babcock, 2020; de Jongh et al., 2020).

Watch the following video to learn more about ventilating patients simultaneously:

  • Link (video): COVID-19 How to Use One Ventilator to Save Multiple LivesLinks to an external site.(6:04)

Nurses are often at the forefront of healthcare invention, leading innovation with creative solutions. Review the following article about five nurses involved in healthcare innovation:

  • Link (webpage): 5 Nurses Making Waves in Healthcare InnovationLinks to an external site.

Types and Values of Innovation

View the following activity to learn more about the types and values of innovation.

Types and Values of Innovation Interactive Transcript

Types and Values of Innovation

The word innovation, or innovate, is of Latin origin: “in” (into) and “novare” (make new). We use the word today when we talk about making changes to established processes, elements, or technology or changing them in some way to address a problem or challenge. An innovation could be a new idea about how to perform an old task, a more efficient method for a procedure, or a newly formed gadget that solves a physical problem.

Click each type of innovation button to learn more. When ready, click Explore Further to learn more about the types and values of innovation.

Tab: Incremental Innovation

Usually, incremental innovation is seen most often in healthcare, where emerging ideas and technologies slowly adjust and replace existing processes and technologies. For example, email platforms, online web and video conferencing enterprises, and online learning management systems are adjusted and upgraded/updated with new software innovations.

Tab: Disruptive Innovation

Disruptive innovation is a term that emerged from Christensen’s (1997) exploration of business and technical innovations that were so successful that they replaced the existing product or service. For example, the telephone rapidly replaced the telegraph (to the chagrin of Western Union executives who laughed at the idea and refused to buy Alexander Graham Bell’s patent). The innovation disrupted the communication status quo, much like the cell phone did to landlines.

Tab: Architectural Innovation

We have all used some type of architectural innovation. These are practices or technologies borrowed from innovations in other disciplines (or, in business terms, other markets). Architectural innovations change the architecture of a service or a product without necessarily changing its components. For example, healthcare adapted aviation’s use of checklists or standard procedures. From the U.S. Navy, healthcare adopted the effective Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation (SBAR) communication tool.

Tab: Explore Further

Disruptive Innovation – Explore Further

In healthcare, we have seen similar disruptive technologies and ideas take root and change the established market. For example, the placing of advanced nurse practitioners in retail pharmacies, iPad charting, telemedicine, and new technologies in blood glucose monitoring may all be emerging disruptive innovations from a business perspective.

How might the role of the DNP-prepared nurse be a disruptive innovation that will positively change the face of healthcare?

Architectural Innovation – Explore Further

What architectural innovation have you identified or could you adopt as a DNP leader?

Purposeful Innovation

Innovation is vital to any business, whether it is a new idea, a different method, or a technical creation. But to have these innovations requires purposeful planning, analysis, and methodical improvements. Innovation just doesn’t happen spontaneously. It is born of need.

Click Challenge and Solution to learn more. When ready, click Explore Further to reflect upon purposeful innovation.

Tab: Challenge and Solution

Ginny Porowski, RN, needed to find a solution to easily prevent contamination from a soiled gown, so she created the GoGown website..

Tab: Purposeful Innovation – Explore Further

What issue need solving in your nursing practice? How can innovation be used to solve this issue? Start by asking these questions, “In what ways might we…?” or “How could we…?” or “What new…might…?”

As a DNP-prepared nurse, you can manage this type of purposeful innovation through your leadership. Many of the characteristics of transformational leadership that we have explored aid in purposeful innovation.

Technology as an Innovative Strategy

In today’s rapidly changing electronic and robotic environment, technology as an innovative strategy is evident. Just a few years ago, smartphones were banned from many clinical settings because they were seen as distractors to care. Today, more and more organizations embrace smart technology as a facilitator of care. Patient teaching, medical facts, medication calculations, inter-unit and inter-organizational communication, and emergency management are just a few of the innovative solutions available in this technology.

What new technology might make your current practice obsolete?

Intervention Planning

Soon you will be planning your DNP practice change project. You will craft your project proposal, and much of that document will involve intervention planning. Translation science is an integral part of planning for a project intervention. Rogers’ (2003) Diffusion of Innovation model is one of the translation science models. This theory consists of the 5-Stage Innovation-Decision Process that occurs through communication channels over time among individuals within a social system:

  • Knowledge Stage: members are introduced, and acquisition of the new knowledge or technology occurs, but the willingness to change does not
  • Persuasion Stage: the members are open to change
  • Decision Stage: the members commit to change through innovation implementation or reject it
  • Implementation Stage: the members implement the innovation
  • Confirmation Stage: the innovation is in place and confirmed (often in terms of validity and reliability)

The Adaptive Leader

A rapidly changing environment, like today’s healthcare landscape, requires leaders to adapt their styles, behaviors, and even attitudes to reflect the current situation. Adaptive challenges must be met by adaptive leaders who are transformational in nature and draw from all resources (including other leaders). During the pandemic of 2020, adaptive leadership was crucial to responding to the rapidly changing healthcare environment.

Nature has taught us the importance of adapting to changing surroundings, and leaders who survive have developed the ability to adapt to changes within the environment, especially in uncertain times.

Just as the military created the architectural innovation of SBAR, so too did they discover many of the successful ideas for adaptive leadership. Dunn (2020) explained how adaptive leadership evolved in both the Australian and United States military to address navigating complex organizations in crucial situations (sometimes battlefield) and uncertain environments.

One useful model that grew from this need was the Act, Sense, Decide, Adapt (ASDA) model. As an adaptation itself from observations in nature (e.g., the chameleon), it frames the leader’s thinking to be able to move beyond the rules of the system when necessary to solve complex problems.

Click on the color fields on the chameleon to learn more about the ASDA model.

ASDA Interactive Transcript

Act: The leader must interact, stimulate, start the action, create movement, energize the team, take a risk, or move into the conflict.

Sense: The leader must perceive or intuit what happens after action is initiated. That requires learning from the reaction to assess dynamics, understand opportunities, and reevaluate your presumptions. Sensing allows the leader to entertain options for responding to the situation.

Decide: The leader makes decisions for the course of action and adjusts them as needed, based on knowledge, wisdom, experience, team input, and continuous reevaluation of the situation.

Adapt: The leader employs competitive learning of an innovative and creative nature. Adapting requires constantly testing premises and refining assumptions of what will happen next based on the changing realities of the situation and the environment.

Ramalingam et al. (2020) explains that for a leader to implement adaptive responses, like ASDA, adaptive leaders must develop four skills, which have been named the 4 A’s: anticipation, articulation, adaptation, and accountability.

4 A’s Image Description

Leading through unpredictability, especially in crises like those experienced during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, requires these characteristics to respond and lead adaptively.

Professional Communication

Communication skills are taught at some point in almost every professional academic program, level, and discipline. Communication involves the sender, message, receiver, and feedback loop. We also know from experience that nonverbal communication can reinforce a verbal message or negate it. The sender encodes a message using words, symbols, pictures, symbols, and sounds and sends the message via a channel (one of the five senses) to the receiver.

The receiver decodes (interprets) the message, but sometimes noise can get in the way, preventing the audience from receiving the message the way the sender intended. Verbal and nonverbal skills are even more crucial at the DNP-prepared nurse’s level, where comportment, non-verbal messaging, and body language communicate as significantly as the DNP-prepared nurse’s verbal message.

Review the following graphic that depicts the communication model.

Communication Image Description

Many students find challenges in some way or another with writing, especially in formal assignments and professional papers (Shellenbarger & Gazza, 2020). The expectations for communication at the doctoral level are even greater, both professionally and individually. However, the expectation does not meet the reality, and inadequate writing skills continue to be a primary barrier to success for nurses in academic and professional environments.

That is one reason why the CARE Plan is prescribed for writing paragraphs. It helps organize and guide small segments of writing. According to Johnson and Rulo (2019), nurses, in general, struggle with writing—from its mechanics to its organization. They also outline a 10-point plan to improve writing at any stage of professional development.

Review the following graphic for those points.

10-Point Plan Image Description

These ten points may seem like an easy solution to the challenges that many face, but professional writing requires developing many holistic competencies (Miller et al., 2018), including cognitive processing, values acquisition, affective application, knowledge and skill development, and adaptability. Professional written and verbal communication must, therefore, become a continuous developmental process. As a DNP student, seek to develop a mindset open to improving and nurturing your communication skills in all domains.

Click on the following tabs for writing tips.

Writing Tips

Standard English


Source Incorporation

Writing Resources


Week 5 References

Babcock, C. (2020, March 14). COVID-19 how to use one ventilator to save multiple lives [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uClq978oohY

Castro, B. (2020, March 30). North Texas company offering ventilator alternatives [Video file]. NBCDFW News. https://www.nbcdfw.com/news/coronavirus/north-texas-company-offering-ventilator-alternatives/2342307/

Christensen, C. M. (1997). The innovator’s dilemma: When new technologies cause great firms to fail. Harvard Business Review Press.

de Jongh, F. H. C., de Vries, H. J., Warnaar, R. S. P., Oppersma, E., Verdaasdonk, R, Heunks, L. M. A., & Doorduin, J. (2020). Ventilating two patients with one ventilator: Technical setup and laboratory testing. ERJ Open Research, 6(2). http://doi.org/10.1183/23120541.00256-2020

Dunn, R. (2020). Adaptive leadership: Leading through complexity. International Studies in Educational Administration, 48(1), 31-38.

Gabrielson, R., & Edwards, K. (2020, March 26). Desperate hospitals may put two patients on one ventilator. That’s risky. ProPublica [Online newsletter]. https://www.propublica.org/article/desperate-hospitals-may-put-two-patients-on-one-ventilator-thats-risky

Johnson, J. E., & Rulo, K. (2019). Problem in the profession: How and why writing skills in nursing must be improved. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(1), 57-64. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2018.05.005

Miller, J. J., Grise-Owens, E., Drury, W., & Rickman, C. (2018). Teaching note—Developing a professional writing course using a holistic view of competence. Journal of Social Work Education, 54(4) 709-714. https://doi.org/10.1080/10437797.2018.1474152

Ramalingam, B., Nabarro, D., Oqubuy, A., Dame, R. C., & Wild, L. (2020, September 11). 5 principles to guide adaptive leadership. Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2020/09/5-principles-to-guide-adaptive-leadership

Rogers, E. M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). Free Press.

Shellenbarger, T., & Gazza, E. A. (2020). The lived experience of nursing faculty developing as scholarly writers. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36(6), 520-525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.profnurs.2020.04.016

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Week 5 Discussion Leading Through Innovation NR703

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