Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory Assignment

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory Assignment

Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory Assignment

A worldview analysis and personal inventory can be a valuable exercise to help gain a better understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world. It can provide insights into one’s biases, beliefs, and attitudes, as well as help identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. It is important to keep in mind that this is not an objective or scientific assessment, but rather it is a personal reflection based on one’s own observations and experiences. Therefore, it is important to be honest and truthful with oneself when completing this exercise. Some questions that may be helpful in conducting a worldview analysis include: – What are your core values? – What are your biggest fears?  And – What are your assumptions about the world? The purpose of this assignment is to elaborate on different philosophical perspectives including nature of spirituality and ethics, scientism, and ultimate reality among other concepts.


The Christian Perspective of The Nature of Spirituality and Ethics

Spirituality in healthcare can be seen from different perspectives. The philosophical framework of Found. David W. Bogue outlines four such frameworks: Naturalism, Positivism, Pragmatism, and Existentialism. From a naturalist perspective, spirituality is considered to be an emergent property of complex systems. From a positivist perspective, spiritual experiences are considered to be caused by natural phenomena such as hormones or neurotransmitters. From a pragmatist perspective, the usefulness or efficacy of spiritual practices is what matters most when determining their value (Hogan 2022, p. 17). And from an existentialist perspective, spiritual experiences are considered to be revelations of something that is otherwise hidden from view.

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From a Christian perspective, the nature of spirituality and ethics is grounded in objective truth. In contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care, Christians hold that there are moral absolutes which are based ON God’s character and revealed in Scripture. These absolutes provide a solid foundation for ethical decision-making and clinical practice. Healthcare professionals are called to minister to the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. They must always remember that they are treating not just physical symptoms but also the spiritual needs of all patients (Hogan 2022, p. 18). As a result, the entire healthcare professional team must be willing to offer hope and healing in the midst of suffering and brokenness. The entire health professional team should never lose sight of the ultimate goal of healing and restoration.

While Christianity holds that there is a universal truth, it also acknowledges that this truth is experienced and interpreted differently by each individual. This idea is known as relativism. In the healthcare field, postmodern relativism has become popular in recent years as a way to respect the beliefs of patients and their families (Hogan 2022, p. 20). However, many Christian ethicists argue that postmodern relativism does not provide a strong enough basis for ethical decision-making. They claim that it leads to chaos and confusion, and undermines the very concept of morality. Instead, they suggest that a framework rooted in Christian theology can provide a more stable foundation for making ethical decisions in healthcare.

Explanation of Scientism

Scientism is the belief that the scientific method is the only reliable means of acquiring knowledge about the world. It is based on the idea that science can provide an accurate view of reality, which is in turn used to support other beliefs, such as atheism. Critics argue that scientism over-emphasizes science at the expense of other ways of knowing, such as intuition or spirituality (Wittingslow 2020, p. 14). They also claim that scientism can lead to dogmatic thinking, and that it is not always possible to apply scientific methods to complex phenomena like human beings and their societies.

 Scientism is the view that science is the only reliable source of knowledge and that it can be used to answer any question. Scientism can lead to a neglect of important non-scientific disciplines such as philosophy, religion, and the arts. For example, scientism can cause people to place too much emphasis on the scientific method and empirical evidence, while undervaluing other modes of acquiring knowledge, such as philosophical inquiry and intuition (Wittingslow 2020, p. 16). Additionally, scientism can lead to a lack of understanding and appreciation for the arts, which offer valuable insights into human experience and culture. Finally, scientism can also promote atheism or agnosticism, thereby leading to a neglect of religious studies.

Main arguments against scientism include that it oversimplifies reality, downplays the role of other sources of knowledge such as art and philosophy, and ignores the limits of scientific knowledge. For example, scientism oversimplifies reality by reducing everything to what can be measured and observed (Wittingslow 2020, p. 18). This reductionist approach does not take into account the complex interconnectedness of systems and phenomena. It also downplays the role of other sources of knowing such as intuition, emotion, experiences, and religious or spiritual insights.

Ultimate Reality

Ultimate reality is a difficult topic that has been explored by philosophers and scientists for centuries. There is no one answer to this question, as it may be different for each individual. Some people believe that there is an ultimate reality that exists beyond our physical world, while others believe that there is no such thing and that our physical world is all there is (Moleski 2020, p. 21).

There are many theories about what ultimate reality might be, and it is an ongoing area of research for scientists and philosophers. Some believe that it could be some kind of god or deity, while others believe that it might be a spiritual realm or another dimension entirely. Still others believe that ultimate reality might be the underlying structure of the universe itself. From the above description, the ultimate reality can be attributed to God (Moleski 2020, p. 23). God is the supreme, final, and fundamental power in all reality. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, God is the ultimate reality. All other powers are subordinate to God and derive their authority from God. God is the source of all good and all evil. Evil exists because God allows it to exist for a purpose. Ultimately, everything that exists does so because God wills it to exist.

The Nature of the Universe

According to different philosophical perspectives, the nature of universe is infinite. There are a few reasons why the nature of the universe is considered infinite. One reason is that the universe is constantly expanding. Another reason is that there appears to be no limit to the amount of matter and energy that exists in the universe. Finally, the laws of physics do not seem to change regardless of where you are in the universe, which suggests that the universe is uniform throughout. All of these factors together suggest that the universe is infinite in nature.

However, according to different scientists, the definition of the nature of the Universe remains a matter of speculation and conjecture for scientists (Moleski 2020, p.17). Some propose that the universe is infinite, while others suggest that it is finite but has no end. Some believe that it is composed of multiple universes, while others maintain that there is only one universe. What we do know about the universe is that it is expanding and evolving. Its composition and nature are still being studied and explored, and there may never be a definitive answer to this question. However, it remains an interesting topic for contemplation and further exploration.

Human Being

A human being is a mammalian organism consisting of asexually reproduced cells that originate from a zygote. A human being (or simply human) is the only extant species in the genus Homo. In biological terms, humans are classified as homo sapiens, which means “wise man” in Latin. The species spans many different cultures and societies around the world. Though physically similar, there are behavioral and cultural differences among regions, with distinct traditions and customs that vary greatly across geography (Archer & Archer 2020, p.19). With over 7 billion people on earth, humans make up nearly one-third of all mammalian life.

There are many different philosophical perspectives on what a human being is, but most would agree that humans are unique in that they have the ability to reason, reflect on their own existence, and engage in self-conscious thought. Some might also say that humans have a spiritual dimension that other animals lack. Philosophers have long debated the nature of the human soul, and there is no one answer that everyone agrees on. From a scientific perspective, humans are distinguished from other animals by their capacity for language and tool-making (Archer & Archer 2020, p.19). Humans are also capable of abstract thought, which allows us to see beyond the present moment and plan for the future. These abilities set us apart from other animals and make us uniquely human.


Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include understanding of a person’s habits, feelings, or thinking. It also includes an understanding of information or facts. Additionally, knowledge may refer to the application of this understanding in order to solve problems or create new things. “Knowledge” is a notoriously difficult concept to define, but at its core, most philosophers would agree that it has something to do with Justified True Belief (JTB) (Longino 2020, p.12). In other words, for a person to be said to “know” something, they must believe it to be true, and their belief must be justified (i.e. based on evidence or good reasons). There are, however, various challenges and objections that can be raised against this definition. For example: what if someone believes something that is actually false? What if they have no justification for their belief? Is knowledge merely a matter of luck? Philosophers have spent centuries debating these questions, and there is no specific answer that have been given.

My Basis of Ethics

There are many different bases of ethics, but at its core, ethics is the study of right and wrong behavior. Philosophers have long debated what is right and wrong, and there is no one answer that satisfies everyone. However, there are some general principles that can provide a foundation for ethical decision-making. My basics of ethics adhere to utilitarianism, which holds that the right thing to do is whatever will produce the most happiness for the greatest number of people (Slote 2020, p.12). This might mean considering the consequences of our actions before we take them, in order to maximize positive outcomes and minimize negative ones. Another common approach to ethics is based on respect for autonomy – the belief that each individual has a right to make decisions about the direction they want to take.

The Purpose of My Existence

The purpose of my existence is simply to live in a way that brings happiness and satisfaction. The purpose of your existence is an open question that has puzzled philosophers and scientists for centuries (Stynska et al. 2020, p.16). Some believe that the purpose of life is simply to live in a way that brings happiness and satisfaction, while others believe that life has a greater cosmic significance. Still others think that we are here to learn and grow as individuals. There is no one answer that fits everyone, and the answer you come up with may change over time. The important thing is to find what gives your life meaning and focus on living in accordance with your values. Whatever you do, do not forget to enjoy the journey along the way.


A worldview analysis and personal inventory can be a valuable exercise to help gain a better understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world. It can provide insights into one’s biases, beliefs, and attitudes, as well as help identify areas of strengths and weaknesses. Scientism is the belief that the scientific method is the only reliable means of acquiring knowledge about the world. According to different philosophical perspectives, the nature of universe is infinite. There are a few reasons why the nature of the universe is considered infinite. One reason is that the universe is constantly expanding.


Archer, M. S., & Archer, M. S. (2020). Being human: The problem of agency. Cambridge University Press.

Hogan, B. D. (2022). Practicing Dignity. An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care:

Longino, H. E. (2020). Science as social knowledge. In Science as Social Knowledge. Princeton university press.

Moleski, M. X. (2020). 4.1 At Home in the Universe Again: Doing Justice to Polanyi’s Theological Intuitions. Ultimate Reality and Meaning, 36(3-4), 160-175.

Slote, M. (2020). Agent-based virtue ethics. Handbuch Tugend und Tugendethik, 1-10.

Stynska, V., Popovych, I., Kravets, N., & Piletska, L. (2020). Research of the Relationship between Existential Anxiety and the Sense of Personality’s Existence.

Wittingslow, R. (2020). Some Thoughts on the Relationship Between Scientism and Empirical Methods in Philosophy. The Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 9(5), 64-67.


– In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care.
RUBRIC: Explanation of the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism is clear, detailed, and demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject. Explanation is supported by topic study materials.

-In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it.

What is Scientism?
RUBRIC: Explanation of scientism is clear and accurate. Explanations of two main arguments against scientism are clear and insightful. Details are clearly supported by topic study materials.

-In 750-1,000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your own personal perspective and worldview:
What is ultimate reality?
What is the nature of the universe?
What is a human being?
What is knowledge?
What is your basis of ethics?
What is the purpose of your existence?

RUBRIC: Each of the worldview questions is answered clearly and with deep personal insight.

Remember to support your reflection with the topic Resources.

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