Assignment: NSGCB 486 Competency 3 Part 1

Assignment: NSGCB 486 Competency 3 Part 1

Assignment: NSGCB 486 Competency 3 Part 1

Part 1: Doctors Without Borders Presentation

Imagine you are a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders to address an emerging global health issue in a specific region of the world. You are preparing to travel to the region to improve an issue or illness. Your director has requested that you prepare a presentation about the issue or illness for your fellow staff.


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Choose a specific emerging health issue within a specific country (for example: sex trafficking occurring in the US states bordering Mexico).

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Create an 18- to 20-slide presentation, with detailed speaker notes, analyzing emerging global health issues related to the country or region of the world of your choice.

Include a summary of the chosen country, and emerging health issues that impact the populations.

Clearly summarize your chosen emerging health issue and explain how and why this issue impacts populations within your chosen country.

In your presentation, analyze the cause of the issue or illness. Consider:

Individual issues (e.g., personal hygiene)

Community (e.g., resources, demographics)

Family roles and structures (e.g., single-family households)

Culture (e.g., values, beliefs)

Environmental issues (e.g., access to technology and health care, geographic concerns)

Examine the factors that continue to exacerbate the issue or illness. Consider:





Create an action plan to improve the issue or illness. Consider:



Relief workers


Cite at least 5 peer-reviewed references in your presentation.

Include a separate APA-formatted reference page.

Submit Part 1 of your assessment.

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