Preparation for Implementation of the EBP Project Paper

Preparation for Implementation of the EBP Project Paper

Preparation for Implementation of the EBP Project Paper

Nursing burnout with all its known effects is a common problem that often affects nurses worldwide. Burnout not only affects the patients and nurses but also the organization. Nurses experiencing burnout jeopardize patient safety due to the increased risk of committing errors and working below the required standards (Blasche et al., 2022). Consequently, patients are at increased risk of harm with reduced patient outcomes and satisfaction levels with an increase in the cost of care. Furthermore, the healthcare organization risks running losses due to the loss of clients as well as facing lawsuit charges (Wei et al., 2021). Because of the negative consequences of burnout, addressing this issue is a priority concern for all healthcare organizations.

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One of the proposed interventions for this problem is implementing rest breaks to reduce burnout among emergency unit nurses. While implementing this intervention is likely to yield positive results, the process of implementation may be tedious and requires considering several factors before successfully implementing it. Assessing the organizational readiness for change is efficient in understanding the organizational concerns while helping in aligning the implementation plan to that of the organization(Godard, 2022). The purpose of this present paper is to address the level of my organization`s readiness for change using the SWOT analysis as well as presenting the EBP model that will e used in the implementation of the project.

Organizational Assessment

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Performing organizational assessment for change is a prerequisite to the implementation of a proposed project. This process gauges how ready an organization is to change and enhance the implementation and success of the project (Godard, 2022). I did the same for my organization using the SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. Understanding the dynamics of an organization in terms of strengths and opportunities is necessary for helping to identify factors that will promote change implementation. Understanding weaknesses and threats on the other hand points to barriers to implementation while helping in coming up with effective measures to overcome them (Godard, 2022). Based on the assessment performed, the effects of burnout are evident and burnout syndrome is viewed as a risk to patient care and organizational operation. Therefore, I presume that the organization is ready to incorporate interventions that will reduce the problem hence adopting the proposed EBP change. Various aspects of the analysis will follow according to the SWOT analysis findings.

Internal Analysis

            Strengths. To begin with, my healthcare organization is built on the tradition of transformative leadership. The leadership understands the need for change in various settings and has supported various changes in the past, therefore, making the implementation of this project possible. Furthermore, the organization`s mission and vision are guided by the need to provide high-quality care through the integration of various scientifically proven models to elicit positive outcomes. These commitments have earned the institution global recognition and have since received a magnet recording for its unending desire to participate in benchmark innovations, excellence, and practice. Receiving the magnet recognition buries all doubts and affirms the commitment of the institution to implement EBP practices to improve patient care (Ayoubian et al., 2020). Besides, the presence of qualified nurses who have attained exquisite recognition in providing proficient care is an added strength of the organization. These nurses have proficient skills and knowledge of holistic care but also understand the importance of incorporating EBP to enhance patient care. As a result, they are likely to support the change hence its implementation. Finally, the presence of assistance programs that aim at improving nurses’ knowledge about safety issues as well as providing tools for assessing burnout and methods of eliminating it is an added strength towards the implementation of the EBP.

            Weakness. Nursing shortage as a global healthcare issue also affects the implementation of this project (Alqahtani et al., 2022). Because this EBP project is proposing scheduled rest breaks among nurses, there needs to have enough nurses who will continue taking care of patients while others take a scheduled break. Nursing shortages in the emergency unit are likely to impair the implementation of the project. The mouthful of tasks to address several patient needs may impinge the participation of nurses in this project. Addressing the issue of nursing shortage would help implement this EBP project. Additionally, a lack of knowledge among some nurses about the effects of burnout and failure to recognize and use the avenues that address the issue can be another weakness (Alqahtani et al., 2022). Lack of knowledge will hinder the participation of some nurses who will deem the practice as time-wasting. Finally, resistance from some members to adopt change would hinder the implementation. Some members would opt to continue with their old practice despite the potential benefits of the new approach.

External Analysis

            Opportunities: Among the opportunities existing is the presence of support from external organizations towards our organization. This support come in handy with support for resources such as materials and funds. The materials offer an improved working environment that would allow the nurses to take part in EBP initiatives. The funds are used in hiring and retaining proficient nurses with skills and knowledge about EBP. This knowledge is useful when addressing the issue of burnout as nurses will likely take the initiative and share with others. Besides, the higher rating score by the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CHAPS) demonstrates affirmative actions taken by the institution toward realizing patient needs and improving satisfaction (Ayoubian et al., 2020). Combining the strengths and opportunities can propagate the implementation process.

            Threat. The primary threat to this project implementation would be support from the administrative board and the nursing shortage. Regarding administration, not every member will agree to support the implementation as it may be deemed uneventful. Besides, the nursing shortage further predisposes nurses to burnout and hinders them from taking part in the proposed project.

            Because of the existence of threats and weaknesses towards the implementation of the project, coming up with definitive solutions is paramount. Establishing good communication with the administration and healthcare workers is essential (Puchalski Ritchie & Straus, 2019). The administration should be made to understand the goals of the project as it relates to the workplace environment while the healthcare workers should understand the benefits brought by the proposed project as well as how to take part in activities to realize their full potential. This move will aim at reducing resistance while beefing up support for the proposed change.

Evidence-Based Practice Conceptual Model

            John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Model (JHNEBP) is the chosen model to facilitate implementation. This model serves at understanding the root cause of a problem through the spirit of inquiry as well as coming up with a stepwise approach to come up with solutions to a problem (Wei et al., 2021). To help reach the solution, evidence-based knowledge is searched and analyzed, and the information is translated into solving the current issue. Translation requires resource mobilization through an action plan as well as notifying the stakeholders of the motives of the issue. My EBP project has undergone the initial steps of identifying the root cause and searching for evidence for the problem. Following the subsequent steps will yield in full realization of the benefits of the project.


            Burnout is a menace that requires prompt strategies to eliminate it due to the effects associated with it. Emergency unit nurses are at increased risk of burnout due to the high workload and less recovery time. Introducing rest breaks is a simple yet effective method that can be used to reduce the effects of burnout while improving patient safety. Implementing change requires an understanding of the dynamics of the organization as well as coming up with strategies to overcome challenges. Overcoming resistance through effective communication is a better method of involving stakeholders in the realization of implementation.


Alqahtani, J. M., Carsula, R. P., Alharbi, H. A., Alyousef, S. M., Baker, O. G., & Tumala, R. B. (2022). Barriers to implementing evidence-based practice among primary healthcare nurses in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study. Nursing Reports, 12(2), 313–323.

Ayoubian, A., Nasiripour, A. A., Tabibi, S. J., & Bahadori, M. (2020). Evaluation of facilitators and barriers to implementing Evidence-Based Practice in health services: A systematic review. Galen, 9, e1645.

Blasche, G., Arlinghaus, A., & Crevenna, R. (2022). The impact of rest breaks on subjective fatigue in physicians of the General Hospital of Vienna. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift, 134(3–4), 156–161.

Godard, R. (2022). Why Organizational Readiness Assessments are Important.

Puchalski Ritchie, L. M., & Straus, S. E. (2019). Assessing organizational readiness for change comment on “development and content validation of a transcultural instrument to assess organizational readiness for knowledge translation in healthcare organizations: The OR4KT.” International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 8(1), 55–57.

Speroni, K. G., McLaughlin, M. K., & Friesen, M. A. (2020). Use of evidence-based Practice models and research findings in magnet-designated hospitals across the United States: National survey results: Evidence-based practice model use: Translating and implementing findings into practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 17(2), 98–107.

Wei, H., Dorn, A., Hutto, H., Webb Corbett, R., Haberstroh, A., & Larson, K. (2021). Impacts of nursing student burnout on psychological well-being and academic achievement. The Journal of Nursing Education, 60(7), 369–376.

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Value: 25 points
Assignment Guidelines

The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop the necessary skills to assess an organization and prepare for the implementation of an EBP initiative. Use the introduction you have previously submitted, add a section to describe your organization’s readiness for your 720 Project.

Create a Word document in which you discuss your perception of your institution’s readiness to implement your EBP 720 Project.

Complete a SWOT analysis of your planned 720 Project.
Examine the various EBP conceptual models used to change practice in an organization that are presented in the readings. Describe how you might use one of these models to guide the implementation of your planned project.

Note: Do not name the institution. Just refer to it by generic terms. For example, “a local community hospital,” or “regional referral healthcare system,” or “a large Midwestern clinic.”
Assignment Format

Assignment 11.1 FormatLinks to an external site.

Submit the following document to the assignment link provided:

A properly formatted Word document

Submit your assignment and review full grading criteria on the Assignment 11.1: Prep for Implementation page.

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